KNK hosts reception in Norway

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At the reception held in Oslo on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the KNK founding, information was given about the work carried out by KNK to build national unity since its founding and its Norwegian Representation.

A reception was held in Oslo on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK).

Many Kurdish people and Norwegian friends attended the reception organized by the KNK Norwegian representation office.

The event started with the opening speech after a minute of silence in memory of the Kurdistan Freedom Martyrs.

KNK Norway Representative Saîd Sanandaç, greeted the guests and summarized the KNK’s efforts to build national unity since its establishment. He then gave information about KNK’s Norwegian representation office.

Following the speeches, a video about the founding history of KNK was shown.

Congratulatory messages from various parties and institutions from Kurdistan and Norway were read.

The celebration ended with music performed by artists Tîrêj Ûrmiyê and Welat Kobanê.

Nora Cortiñas, compañera del pueblo kurdo
Civîna Giştî ya KNKê ya 22.