Turkish Army bombs Syrian Kurds

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Statement 19.11.2012 – Since 8th November 2012, armed groups infiltrated by Turkey entered Serekani (Ras al-Ain), the city of Syria. These armed groups affiliated with and are being supported by Turkey. The Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians have been living in Serekani, which is the border city with Turkey. Armed groups first entered into Arab districts. As well as Arabs, Kurds and Assyrians have been affected by the clashes between Syrian regime and armed groups.

The president of Serekani Kurdish Council Abid Xelil and another person who went to discuss the conflict with the armed groups this morning (19th November 2012), were attacked by the mentioned group and died. Five Kurdish were also injured. The clashes, then, have started between People’s Defense Units (YPG) and these armed groups.

According to the latest news, Turkish Army has also started to bomb Kurdish districts with military forces positioned at the Syrian border. Turkish Army bombardment still continues. Turkish Army’s involvement and attacks to Kurds, although not being threatened, stems from the hostility to Kurds. This was the main reason for Turkey to send these armed groups to the region.

Until now Kurds have remained neutral and Kurdish area has been quiet in this ongoing violence in Syria. Turkey is aiming the Kurdish region to turn into a battlefield. Kurdish hatred by Turkey is known and Turkey is in violation of international law. Turkey’s attacks must be stopped immediately. Hereby we condemn Turkey’s and it’s affiliated armed groups’ attacks and calling UN and other international organizations to act.

KNK Press Office

November 19, 2012

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