Turkey Moving Towards Occupying Southern Kurdistan

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Statement by Kurdistan National Congress:

The Turkish military has started a new military operation in the Kurdistan region of Iraq (South Kurdistan), which signals new attacks and invasion attempts. The increase in convoys of trucks and armored vehicles passing through various regions underscores the escalating tensions. Troops were reportedly seen moving through villages in Dohuk governorate.

A total of 833 airstrikes (365 in Duhok, 356 in Erbil, 102 in Sulaymaniyah, 10 in Mosul) were carried out by the Turkish army from the beginning of 2024 until May 31. The result has been the tragic loss of 8 civilian lives since then.

These Turkish attacks will certainly lead to a long-term war with regional and global consequences.
Although it is under the joint responsibility of Iraq and Southern Kurdistan, the Turkish occupation has been facilitated with the knowledge and consent of the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the government in Baghdad.

The silence of the Iraqi government due to short-term interests will certainly lead to a long-term war with regional and global consequences. This is because the Turkish government wants to expand into the Middle East through Iraq and thus become a regional threat and realize the strategic goal of the Misak-i Milli (National Oath), as the political, economic and military weakness of the Iraqi State provides a golden opportunity for this.

The normalization of the Turkish presence in South Kurdistan and Iraq could have long-term consequences, including possible territorial seizures. The indifference of the political parties, media, intellectuals and society in generals as well as the international political powers towards the occupation is worrying. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a united Kurdish resistance against the Turkish aggression.

Turkish expansionism carries the risk of significant political, social and economic consequences regionally and globally, deepening the destabilization of the Middle East. The Turkish state’s blatant disregard for international law underscores the urgency of action. The UN, EU, and Council of Europe must prevent the Turkish government from taking advantage of Iraq’s political weakness and creating a danger. Turkey’s military activities are illegal.

There is a way to end Turkish militarism immediately. This would be to urge Turkey to resume negotiations with the leader of the Kurdish people, Abdullah Ocalan. A dialogue process like the one that took place between the PKK and the Erdoğan government in 2013-2015, which was supported worldwide, has the potential to bring stability to Turkey by resolving the Kurdish question. Therefore, the Iraqi government as well as the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and the Council of Europe must take urgent action to prevent further violence.

Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)

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