Peace is on trial in Turkey, be a witness!

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Statement 17.06.2010 – Turkish government arrested the Kurdish peace groups, who came to Turkey to contribute for a democratic solution

On 9 October 2009, Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan had called two peace groups, one of which came from guerrillas and the other from Maxmur refugee camp, to open a way to a peaceful and democratic solution for the Kurdish issue in Turkey. Among those peace groups, there were 8 guerillas and 4 children. In total 34 members of the peace groups came to Turkey and were greeted by millions of Kurdish people.

Despite all members of Peace and Democratic Solution Group being released at the court, which was established at the Iraq-Turkey border at that time, now 17 members of the members have been brought to court 8 months later and arrest warrants have been prepared against 10 members. “The membership of an illegal organization and passport violations against the law when they came,” was shown as the reasons for the arrest. Eight months ago, the whole world and the Turkish courts knew that these peace envoys were from the PKK and they did not carry any passport. Despite this fact, the Turkish courts took the conscious decision to release the envoys but now the AKP government has arrested them.

The members of the Peace Group presented a common defence in court and they said that “they came to Turkey in response to Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan’s call to participate in the search for social peace.” Group members replied when the judge’s insisted “Do you regret your activities during your involvement in the organization?” with the response ,” We have no regrets and we do not want to take the advantages of the repentance law”.

There is only one reason for these arrests and the judgement of the peace envoys. It is the AKP government’s false ‘’Democratic Opening’’ policy, which does not contain any solution, instead it is a plan to liquidate the Kurdish movement. When this plan against Kurds was exposed, the AKP government decided to resort to its classical style, which is a dirty war, once again.

The Turkish government, which cannot tolerate even the peace envoys, has accelerated its military operations including cross-border operations in recent days. The AKP government has launched a total attack concept against the Kurdish people.

We call all sensitive public opinion around the world and in relevant forces to oppose the AKP’s dangerous fighting and to join the fight for peace.

We call all the sensitive and peace-loving forces to struggle for peace and raise this matter everywhere.

Executive Council of the KNK

June 17, 2010

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