Mobilization for the protection of Rojava

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Statement 11.06.2013 – We would like to take your attention to the crisis in Afrin and Kobani, caused by attacks against western Kurdistan and the migration from the region, We called on the people of Kurdistan to mobilize for the protection of Rojava.

As Kurdistan National Congress out that exploitative powers, those who do not want Kurds to have a political status in the Middle East, continued attacking the people in western Kurdistan with an aim to break their struggle for autonomous political, military and administrative structures.

Exploitative powers organized paramilitary groups and sent them to the region of Kurdistan after providing them with all kinds of logistic support.

Since the beginning of the new year, the Turkish state has been sending gangs and paramilitary groups into the cities of western Kurdistan which are at the same time suffering from bombardments by the army of the Syrian regime. These Turkey-backed groups which are behind the attacks targeting Serekaniye, Aleppo and Afrin, are trying to sabotage the stability Kurds have achieved in their region.

Noting that the Kurdish population in Aleppo has been migrating to Afrin and Kobani because of the Baath regime’s ongoing bombardment in the city, the population of Afrin has doubled recently due to over-migration from this area.

Besides military attacks targeting Afrin, there is also a fatal blockade which prevents the access of daily supplies into the city, thus leading to a great problem with the provision of basic foodstuff as well as a risk of security of life, mainly for children and women.

The Kurdish High Council and YPG (People’s Defense Units) were making efforts, however being unable to meet all the requirements to overcome the great crisis.

We’d like to call the people of Kurdistan, those in diaspora in particular, to mobilize for the people of Rojava and to contribute to the provision of basic needs of Rojava’s people in an organized way through Heyva Sor A Kurdistane.

Executive Council of KNK

June 11, 2013

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