Kurdistan National Congress Condemns the Killing of Three Civilians

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Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Condemns the Killing of Three Civilians

On September 4, 2024, three civilians—a father and his two sons, aged 14 and 18—were tragically targeted and killed by Turkish drone strikes on the Ranya-Sulaimani highway. The targeting of civilians by the Turkish state has become a recurring issue, with citizens and journalists being attacked on a near-daily basis.

The Kurdistan National Congress extends its heartfelt condolences to the families of these martyrs and vehemently condemns this inhumane crime.

We call upon all relevant authorities, political forces, and parties in Kurdistan, as well as public opinion and the people of Kurdistan and Iraq, to take a firm stand against these inhumane acts. It is imperative to end the hostile policies of the Turkish state toward Kurdistan and the region.

We will not remain silent about the unjust loss of life in the bombing of the “Khalakan” area.
Shame on the enemies, occupiers, and those who cooperate with them.

Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)
South Kurdistan Committee
September 4, 2024

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