KNK mobilizes against attacks

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Kurdistan National Congress Co-Chair Zeyneb Murad stated that KNK will come together to discuss Turkey’s attacks on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and come up with an urgent action plan, in an interview with Mezopotamya Agency.

Turkey has been attacking the Kurdistan Region of Iraq since April 17, 2022, building new military bases, setting up checkpoints and conducting identity checks. In recent days, there has been an intensive military shipment to the countryside of Duhok’s Amêdiye district. While many villages in the region have been evacuated due to the shipment and bombardment, reactions to the collaboration of Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) with the Turkish state continue. Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Co-Chair Zeyneb Murad evaluated the developments in the region.


“The Turkish state has been trying to occupy the border regions for several years, but this process has moved to a new stage in the last month. The Turkish state is now expanding these attacks by kilometers. Every day we see hundreds of tanks, armored vehicles and thousands of guards being deployed to the region and deployed in the evacuated villages. There is a very serious silence against this. Both the KRI government officials and the Iraqi central government are silent. Therefore, the alarm is sounding for the status of South Kurdistan. Turkey’s attacks took place with the alliance of the central government and the KRI government.”

Murad stated that Turkey will target the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Northern and Eastern Syria by acting within the framework of a broad plan and said, “Everyone sees these facts but does not develop a stance. Turkey’s alliances with the Iraqi central government and the KRI government are remarkable. Recently Massoud Barzani visited Baghdad and this meeting took place during a very sensitive period. This means that the expansion of the Turkish offensive is taking place with the knowledge of the Baghdad and Hewlêr(Erbil) governments. Therefore, this is a great danger for our people.”


Murad said that the Iraqi government is trying to get Erdogan and Assad to sit at the same table, “They want to destroy the gains our people have achieved at great cost. There are very big plans over South Kurdistan (KRI). Everyone needs to see these facts. Turkey’s dream is to completely destroy Kurdish gains. Turkey has recently entered into an alliance with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. They are ready to compromise on everything to finish the Kurds. With Baghdad’s intervention, they aim to unite Turkey and the Syrian regime. This alliance deprived the Kurds of everything a century ago by signing the Treaty of Lausanne, and the same is being done now. In 1975, the Algiers Treaty was signed between Iraq and Iran. Iran and Iraq allied to prevent the Kurdish revolution. These are all historical evidences for us. We need to take lessons from this,” he said.


Noting that there is an “occupation” agreement between Hewlêr, Baghdad and Ankara, Murad said, “This alliance will bring great dangers. Therefore, a strong and clear attitude is needed. We say that we have the power to mobilize all our political, military and diplomatic forces. We must prevent the plan to occupy the territory of Kurdistan.”

Noting that the KNK has established a “Crisis Desk” against the developments and that there are urgent action plan targets, Murad continued as follows: “In our meetings and activities at the international level, we have seen that everyone is disturbed by Turkey’s behavior. However, they remain silent due to their interests. It is the day of mobilization for all Kurds against this. In the coming days, we will hold an urgent meeting with all artists, writers and politicians as part of an emergency action plan. We need a political stance for our people. Let us all rally around Kurdistan to defend Kurdish and Kurdistan’s gains. Let us oppose these occupation plans with a national attitude.”

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