KNK calls for the protection of Kurdish culture

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The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) calls for the protection of Kurdish culture and language in response to racist attacks of the Turkish state. In the face of these attacks, KNK calls on the Kurdish people to decorate every house, neighborhood and living space with national colors.

The Language, Culture and Education Commission of KNK issued a statement against the racist actions of the Turkish state against the values of the Kurdish people.

The statement read:

“The murders, massacres and lootings of the fascist Turkish state against the Kurds have not stopped, even against dancing young Kurds who are imprisoned. Municipalities in Northern Kurdistan are removing texts, symbols and signs written in Kurdish from roads and streets. They have already erased Kurdish writings from the gravestones of our martyrs and torn down posters of Ehmedê Xanê, among many other crimes.

If this continues and we remain silent, the racist agenda will expand, even punishing our elders for not being able to speak Turkish. This is the beginning of a new wave of fascism and racism. The fascist Republic of Turkey wants to wipe out the achievements of our century-long struggle. It is well known that the Kurdish people in the Middle East is an ancient and authentic nation that has been living on its land for thousands of years. Therefore, there is a desire to erase the memory, present and national identity of the Kurds, along with their culture, art, literature and history through racist actions.

Every nation lives on its own language, literature, culture and art. If these elements disappear, the nation will inevitably fade away and disappear from history.

This fascist Turkish republic has inflicted numerous massacres on us Kurds for more than a century, but we must realize that the most serious massacre is the assimilation of the Kurdish people and other non-Turkish people, which leads to the destruction of their national and human values. In order to fight and weaken racism, it is essential that Kurdish institutions, intellectuals and politicians as well as the Kurdish and Kurdish people as a whole take a patriotic stance against the actions of the racist state. Every home, camp and living space should be filled with culture, art, literature, folklore and folk dances in order to strengthen our national spirit”.

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