Freedom for civil disobedience

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Statement 13.04.2011 – The demonstrations for the “freedom for civil disobedience” executing by the Kurdish community in Turkey and Syria are still in continuance. The attacks against these attempts by the governments are also still continuing. Nearly all of the cities in north Kurdistan (Turkey Kurdistan), and the cities in Turkey which there are a large amount Kurdish population democratic solution tents have been formed. The purpose of these tents is to bring the community together, to express their problems and to have a constant vigilance standing by the tent for the aim of freedom. These tents will be ongoing until the urgent demands for a solution is met.

The Turkish government, who cannot stand against this and refuses to take steps in the direction of achieving a solution, finds its solution by increasing attacks and pressure. Many places, namely Diyarbakir, Batman and Şirnak, have been subject to attacks to the public by tank dozers which have left numerous people harmed. At the same time, the solution tent in Diyarbakir was forced to be removed by the police. Along with this, to prevent the uprising of the BDP and to diminish its authority in the build up to the elections, members have been caused to undergo constant home raids, kept under watched and have been arrested. In the last ten days, 95 members of the BDP have been have been brought in under surveillance and of which most have been arrested. 25 of these have been in Hakkari, 14 in Urfa, 11 in Adana, 8 in Erzurum, 12 in Istanbul, 11 in Van, 20 in Konya, 4 in Aydin, 4 in Antalya, 6 in Şirnak, 2 in Tekirdag, 2 in Diyarbakir, 6 in Batman, 1 in Mardin and finally 1 in Mersin.

There are currently non-stop operational attacks on the Kurdish guerrilla by the Turkish army although; the guerrillas are in an inactive position. The Turkish troops along with the Iranian force are coordinating joint military operations on the borders of southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq).

The action of the first democratic solution tent was launched on March 18 in Amed (Diyarbakir). Tents have now been erected in different cities, but they share the same public demands. These demands are:

Urgent demands are; Education in the mother tongue and the provision of constitutional guarantees for the use of the mother tongue in public sphere.

Release all political prisoners; Remove the 10% electoral threshold which hinders the representation of Kurdish People in the Assembly. Stop military and political operations immediately.

Basic demands; The preparation of a democratic constitution which also recognizes Kurdish identity. The development of the local management system which limits the powers of central government in Turkey.

The recognition of the democratic political will of the Kurdish people and the granting of the right to self-governance. The removal of all bans against Kurdish culture, providing full right to free association, free expression and press freedom.

The withdrawal of the special operations units such as police force and special teams etc, who have been deployed in Kurdistan; the abolition of the village guards system giving the opportunity to Kurds to provide their own internal self-defense.

The release of all political detainees and convicted prisoners including Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Ocalan, Providing constitutional guarantees for the freedom of all ethnic communities and their beliefs. The establishment of a Justice and Truth Research Commission to shed light on the dirty events and the murders that took place during the thirty years of war. Taking all the necessary measures, with compensations for their losses, for the villagers to return back to their villages, which have been burned and destroyed. Putting an end to discriminatory policies to overcome the economic imbalances, poverty and unemployment; giving priority to Kurdistan for investment.

The demands and manifestations for freedom in Syria by the Kurdish community is still standing. Inspired the pressure against them, the Democratic Solution Tents in Halep, Derik and Kobani have been formed and the demonstrations in the other cities are still active. In many cities centres, marches have been conducted in protest. The demands of the Kurdish community in Syria are as following:

  • All political prisoners to be set free
  • The removal of the ongoing state of emergency That has been in force for 48 years;
  • The secret intelligence which has been treating the public offensively should be disbanded, and the security forces should also be reorganised lawfully.
  • The freedom of political parties to be formed with the removal of restrictions against political exertion.
  • To establish a National Council which can for a new constitution and fundamental law devised by all of the political powers including the ethnic and religious minorities within the.
  • The identity and very existence of the Kurdish public to be recognised and to be given their fundamental rights.

Amongst these waves of change, the Kurds in the Middle East are also fighting for the rights to their freedom. This also needs to be considered. The Kurds are rebelling against their current status and want to live freely in their own country. We would like for the all global democratic community to witness the rightful demands that the Kurds present and to support the cause that they stand for.

And for our people we say this: we can no longer accept our previous status. For a free life, we must join the stand for freedom. There are many changes taking place in our region, we should join the change and gain our freedom.

Either freedom or freedom.

KNK Executive Council

April 13, 2011

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