Executive Council

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The Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress KNK, 21st General Congress

Below is the list of the members of the Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress 21st General Meeting following the 2-3-4th December 2022 elections.

All terms are for 2 years and expire in December 2024.


Zeyneb Morad Sohrab & Ahmet Karamûs

Executive Council

  1. Amîna Rad, Commission on Women
  2. Ekrem Heso
  3. Faruq Cemîl, Vice Co-chairs
  4. Hêvî Mustafa, Vice Co-chairs
  5. Îbrahîm Alîpor, Committee on Rojhilat
  6. Kamuran Berwarî, Commission on Environmental Issues
  7. Kurde Omer, Committee on Human Rights
  8. Mecîd Heso, Committee on Beliefs
  9. Nîlûfer Koç, Commission on Foreign Relations
  10. Numan Ugur, Committee on Beliefs
  11. Refîq Xefûr, Committee on Media
  12. Sabrîya Sevgat, Commission on Women
  13. Salar Mehmod
  14. Şehla Hefîd, Commission on Environmental Issues
  15. Seîd Senendecî, Committee on Human Rights
  16. Şêrko Mihemed Emîn, Commission on Language, Education, Culture and the Arts
  17. Tahir Kemalîzadeh, Committee on Rojhilat
  18. Zeyneb Mustafa
  19. Zubeyir Aydar, Committee on Finance
KNK History