Congratulation to the people of Kirkuk

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To the Leadership of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan


We, as the Kurdistan National Congress, warmly congratulate the people of Kirkuk, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, and Mr. Rebwar Taha, the new governor of Kirkuk. We hope that this new stage will be a step towards peaceful coexistence and mutual acceptance in the vitally important city of Kirkuk. For a hundred years various actors have attempted to change the demographics of Kirkuk and divide it from wider Kurdistan and hopefully that unjust process ends now.

We hope that Mr. Rebwar Taha, as the new governor who understands the language of his majority Kurdish citizens, will heal the wounds that the people of Kirkuk have suffered as a result of injustice and division in recent years. We call on all the people of Kirkuk and all Kurds to cooperate and support him in this mission.

The Kurdistan National Congress considers it crucial that all Kurdish parties in the city and other communities cooperate and unite together to ensure a better future for their city and erase the oppression of the Ba’ath regime through the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution.

Kirkuk is a city of historical coexistence. Because of its strategic location, abundant underground resources, and ancient civilization, regional countries have always interfered in the region and prevented its people from recovering. But this revolving process cannot continue forever as the people are yearning for fairness and truth.

Once again, we congratulate all the residents of Kirkuk and wish them a brighter future.

Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress

11.08.2024 Brussels

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