Regarding the Kurdistan Region Parliamentary Elections

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Regarding the Kurdistan Region Parliamentary Elections

The parliamentary elections of the Kurdistan Region are being held at a very critical stage. In the 33 official years of the region’s existence, parliamentary elections have never taken place in such a turbulent and crisis-laden period. Domestically, there are political disagreements and tensions between factions, an economic crisis affecting people’s livelihoods, poverty, lack of services, unemployment, parliamentary inactivity, government inefficiency, accumulating debts, restrictions on freedoms, arrests, and the silencing of journalists. Additionally, there are crises between the Kurdistan Regional Government and Baghdad, along with military interventions, security concerns, and chaotic actions by regional states. All of these issues, along with many others, define the current state of the Kurdistan Region and its governance.

The central government of Iraq’s stance toward the Kurdistan Region is not only unfriendly but also persistently aimed at weakening and dissolving the region’s status, creating more problems, and limiting its achievements. Following the referendum process in 2017, a significant portion of the Kurdistan Region’s land was retaken, and efforts to change the demographic composition of cities and towns in Kurdistan have continued. On the other hand, agreements with regional states are being made to limit the gains of the Kurdish people. Treaties are signed with the Turkish state, Kurdish parties are banned, and Turkey is allowed to intervene up to dozens of kilometers into Iraq for military operations. Economic, security, and military agreements are signed with Turkey, sacrificing Kurdish people’s interests. Similarly, to suppress the resistance of the Kurds in Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan), agreements with Iran are made to act against Rojhelati forces. These characteristics define the central government of Iraq’s stance and that of many Iraqi political elites.

At the same time, the Iraqi government plans to conduct a general census in December, shortly after the parliamentary elections of the Kurdistan Region. This process is being managed in a way that ignores Article 140, which has not been implemented, and the issue of disputed areas has not only been left unresolved but has also worsened.

Despite all of this, there is one very important issue: the Turkish state’s occupation of the Kurdistan Region. Attacks and the occupation of dozens of military bases with all types of light and heavy weapons, including prohibited international weapons, continue. Intelligence bases, political, economic, and cultural organizations have been established throughout the region. Turkey has occupied a significant part of the Behdinan area and roams freely in the occupied territories, treating them as their own.

In spite of all these challenges, the Kurdish people in all four parts, in cities, villages, prisons, and mountains, with great hope and strong will, continue to resist in an unparalleled struggle for a great victory. The transparent and fair parliamentary elections of the Kurdistan Region are a part of this resistance and hope.

Yes, the parliamentary elections of the Kurdistan Region are being held in such a sensitive and significant situation. This is a critical stage, as it carries both great risks to the people’s achievements across the country and a great opportunity for success.

As the Kurdistan National Congress, which always calls for the unity of the Kurdish people and their political forces, we also call for the election process to take place in a peaceful and civilized atmosphere without interference. A transparent election in which the people of the Kurdistan Region can freely express their voices. We are confident that the people of the Kurdistan Region, with their wisdom, will vote for candidates who protect the highest interests of the Kurdish people, safeguard their achievements, rights, and freedoms, and strive for a free Kurdistan against occupation and the conspiracies of enemies. This should not be compromised, and later a government that answers to the demands of the voters and all the Kurdish people should be formed and start working.

On this occasion, as the KNK, we once again issue this call and present the following points:

These elections are important, and our people should go to the ballot boxes and vote for patriotic candidates who defend the interests of our people and serve them.
The elections must be conducted in a fully transparent and fair manner so that a true and accurate result is achieved.
All political parties participating in the elections should present their plans and projects with political language in their speeches and propaganda, avoiding language of accusation and insult. The elections should take place in a democratic atmosphere, with no violence against anyone in any place or region.
All forces must respect the results of the elections, and in accordance with the results, a democratic government should be formed.

Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)


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