We Condemn the Attacks of the Turkish State on the Kurdish Language

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We condemn the Attacks of the Turkish State on Education, Use and Learning of the Kurdish Language

As it is known, the fascist and occupying Turkish state has been brutally and relentlessly attacking the use, education, and teaching of the Kurdish language in recent days.

First of all, an artist was killed while singing his songs in the Kurdish language. Following this incident, a group of young men who sang publicly in Kurdish were arrested by the fascist state police of the AKP-MHP coalition. AKP and MHP mobs killed a person who spoke Kurdish on the phone with his family in Istanbul. The same mobs attacked Kurdish seasonal workers; the forces governing the fascist, oppressive state kept quiet, while some of these workers were detained and some arrested.

On top of the state’s insufficient responses in response to these attacks, the AKP-MHP fascist coalition caused further trouble by spying down on classrooms where Kurdish lessons were taught, and searched for excuses to close these classrooms down. In the last few days, municipal councils which launched kids gardens were faced with the secret gangs vandalising and removing signs in Kurdish, such as “Peşiyê Peya”. Even now, inspectors of the AKP-MHP fascist coalition are conducting inspections in the municipalities of Amed, Van and other cities and are looking for reasons to launch legal investigations.

Yesterday morning, an attack was mounted on the building of the Mesopotamian Language and Culture Research Association (MED-DER) and the PAYIZ PIRTUK bookstore. The houses of the directors and teachers of PAYIZ PİRTUK were raided, as well as the co-directors, managers and teachers of MED-DER being arrested. They took into evidence many books and magazines in the Kurdish language with them as tools of accusation. In İzmir, the director of Jin Art was also arrested.

The colonial Turkish state dictated by the AKP-MHP coalition once again expressed its hostility towards the Kurdish language, culture, literature, history and art and violated all the values ​​of the Kurdish people.

In light of these events, we call on all political organizations, movements, civil, professional, religious, social institutions, intellectuals, academics, writers and patriots of Kurdistan, to stand together in unanimity against these brutal racist attacks of the AKP-MHP-led Turkish state. Let’s show united reactions in mass and defend our basic values.

As the Language, Culture and Education Commission of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), we strongly condemn these brutal and racist attacks. We invite all patriots of Kurdistan to declare a unanimous stance and defend the Kurdish people’s basic values.

Again we say! Our language, culture, literature, art and history are the foundations of our life!

Language, Culture and Education Commission of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)


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