Long live the Jin-Jiyan-Azadî Revolution!

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Long live the Jin-Jiyan-Azadî Revolution!

Two years have passed since the Jin-Jiyan-Azadî Revolution. We commemorate this anniversary with the spirit of struggle and resistance in the person of the heroic Kurdish woman Jîna Emînî and all those who sacrificed their lives for freedom and equality. We also send our greetings to all freedom fighters and the proud families of the martyrs.

Since 2022, after the brutal murder of Jîna Emînî by the forces of the Islamic regime of Iran, women in Rojhîlat – Eastern Kurdistan and all over Iran have started a great uprising. The uprisings against the pressure of the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran against the persecution of freedom-loving people under the slogan “Jin-Jiyan-Azadî” were natural and purposeful.

Under the shadow of the concept of Jin-Jiyan-Azadî (Women-Life-Freedom), which has become a global phenomenon and its stamp has entered the pages of history, the women of the world gathered around this slogan and came together.

Today, all over the world, women are fighting and resisting the policies of oppression, repression, inequality and slavery. Women are raising their voices in the truth of the philosophy of “Jin-Jiyan-Azadî”.

The principle and condition of women’s victory under this slogan comes from the century-long struggle of Kurdish women against the fascist mentality of the occupying states of Kurdistan. The women of East Kurdistan and Iran, who have the experience of fighting against the patriarchal and conservative mentality, continued their resistance and proved that despite the pressure and the policy of genocide and persecution of the conservative regime, they will never surrender and will work for freedom and equality.

This struggle of the Kurdish women has disturbed the ruling authorities so much that they resort to all kinds of cruelty and violence against women. Here, the women, who have become a source of fear for the authorities, give strength, faith and hope to the freedom fighters. Therefore, they have increased attacks, pressure and abuse against women.

The rulers and occupying states of Kurdistan are afraid of the strength and will of women. Therefore, the more the women, especially the Kurdish women, become strong and organize themselves, the more the government and the state will increase its policy of violence against them.

The Islamic regime of Iran is well aware of the power of women’s struggle! By imposing heavy punishments and especially the death penalty on women activists and fighters as a revenge, it wants to block the path of this resistance and prevent it. But neither the policy of intimidation nor death penalties will be an obstacle to the struggle for women’s freedom and equality. The government can never subjugate women and stop women’s work by killing and executing them.

Therefore, the struggle of women in many parts of the world is going on today with high will and courage and the light of their struggle is getting brighter and brighter.

As the Kurdistan National Congress – KNK, we call upon Kurdish women in Kurdistan and all women abroad to unite with the honourable spirit of the “Jin-Jiyan-Azadî” revolution and to carry the torch for a greater collective struggle.

We call upon all international organizations, democratic institutions and women’s movements to take a stand against the policy of annihilation, murder and torture of Kurdish women and freedom fighters.

Women’s Commission of the Kurdistan National Congress – KNK


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